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Quality, Environment, Health & Safety Policy

SKC Engineering & Contractors Private Limited believes in protecting people and the environment.

We are committed to setting and exceeding the highest standards of quality services in Engineering and Construction while respecting and protecting the Quality, Health, Safety and Environment.

SKC Engineering & Contractors Private Limited is committed to the prevention of injuries and the promotion of a safe, secure, and respectful working environment for all our employees. Furthermore, SKC Engineering & Contractors Private Limited is dedicated to minimizing environmental impact in all our company operations.


We at SKC Engineering & Contractors Private Limited will strive to achieve these goals by:

  • Planning and Implementing a strategy of ongoing improvement of performance and cost reduction.
  • Meeting all applicable QHSE legal requirements in the territories we operate in.
  • Ensuring protection and prevention of injury & ill health of employees and environment.
  • Monitoring, identifying, avoiding, investigating and, where possible, eliminating significant environmental aspects, occupational risks & hazards to provide a safe & healthy workplace.
  • Providing awareness and training to enable all stakeholders comply with its QHSE policy and procedures.
  • Working with partners who share our principals and holding them accountable for QHSE performance.
  • Maintaining and running operations as per international QHSE standards as defined in ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015 & OHSAS 45001:2018.

This policy is communicated to all SKC Engineering & Contractors Private Limited personnel, contractors, and appropriate external stakeholders. It will be reviewed periodically to ensure it remains relevant, appropriate, and according to current international standard requirements.

SKC Engineers and Contractors acknowledge its responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act of Pakistan to providing all employees, sub-contractors and visitors a healthy and safe workplace.

SKC Engineers will:

  • Ensure that all works at work sites are carried out in a manner that workplace health and safety helps employers and visitors fulfil their obligations.
  • Ensure that workplace activities (Drivers and vehicles) do not risk the health and safety of members of the Public or people working around them.
  • Ensure that vehicles, plants or substances provided for general use at the work site are safe and without risk of injury to persons at the worksite

Setting safety standards

We have established a set of objectives to make sure that SKC Engineers. demonstrates leadership to our employees and sub-contractors in safety issues, including safety matters. These set out our intention to:

• define the standards we expect from employees and sub-contractors
• make individuals accountable for managing our relationships with sub-contractors
• conduct Safety Audits and work in progress audits
• identify specialists to advice and coach when HSSE risks are significant
• define and agree HSSE measures
• monitor HSSE performance and participate in site reviews
• play a leadership role in setting safety standards
• review HSSE reports with contractors
• monitor and audit sub-contractors’ compliance with contract and environmental specifications and standards
• co-ordinate and monitor plans to deal with all emergencies

HSE Golden Rules

Working at Heights

Working at heights of two meters (6 feet) or higher above the ground cannot proceed unless:

Driving Safety

All categories of vehicle must not be operated unless:

Ground Disturbances

Work that involves a manmade cut, cavity, trench or depression in the earth’s surface formed by earth removal cannot proceed unless:

Lifting Operations

Lifts utilizing cranes, hoists, or other mechanical lifting devices will not commence unless:

Energy isolation

Any isolation of energy systems; mechanical, electrical, process, hydraulic and others, must ensure that: There is an approved method to:

Hot work must not proceed unless:

All potential flammable and combustible materials have been isolated, removed and/or protected from the sources of ignition.

Management of Change

Work arising from temporary and permanent changes to norganization, personnel,systems, process, procedures, equipment, products, materials or substances, and laws and regulations cannot proceed unless a Management of Change process is completed, where applicable, to include:

Safety Guidelines

Leadership and Accountability

People at all levels in the SKC Engineers[Pvt] Ltd. organization are responsible for leading and engaging the workforce in meeting our health, safety, technical integrity and environmental goals and objectives. Leaders will be held accountable for accomplishing this by demonstrating correct HSSE behaviors, by clearly defining HSSE roles and responsibilities, by providing needed resources, and by measuring, reviewing and continuously improving our HSSE performance

Risk Assessment and Management

Management of risk is a continuous process and the cornerstone of all the HSSE elements. We will regularly identify the hazards and assess the risks associated with our activities. We will take appropriate action to manage the risks and hence prevent or reduce the impact of potential accidents or incidents.

People, Training and Behaviors

People’s behavior is critical to SKC ’s success; therefore, our workforce will be carefully selected and trained, and their skills and competencies regularly assessed

Working with Contractors and Others

Contractors, suppliers and others are keys to our Group business performance and we will assess their capabilities and competencies to perform work on our behalf. We will work together with them to ensure our HSSE Expectations are aligned. We will monitor contractors’ and partners’ performance and ensure our procurement processes contain the rigor to deliver our Expectations.

Facilities Design and Construction

New facilities and modifications to existing facilities will be designed, procured, constructed and commissioned to enable safe, secure, healthy and environmentally sound performance throughout their operational life, by using recognized standards, procedures and management systems.

Operations and Maintenance

Facilities will be operated and maintained within the current design envelope to ensure safe, secure, healthy and environmentally sound performance.

Management of Change

All temporary and permanent changes to organization, personnel, systems, procedures, equipment, products, materials or substances will be evaluated and managed to ensure that health, safety and environmental risks arising from these changes remain at an acceptable level. We will comply with changes to laws and regulations and take account of new scientific evidence relating to HSSE effects.

Information and Documentation

We will maintain accurate information on our operations and products. It will be held securely yet readily available.

Crisis and Emergency Management

Emergency management plans will be maintained to cover all of our facilities, locations and products. These plans will identify equipment, training and personnel necessary to protect the workforce, customers, public, environment and SKC Engineering reputation in the event of an incident.

Incidents Analysis and Prevention

Incidents will be reported, investigated and analyzed to prevent recurrence and improve our performance. Our investigations will focus on root causes and/or system failures. Corrective actions and preventive measures will be utilized to reduce future injuries and losses.

Assessment, Assurance and Improvement

We will periodically assess the implementation of and compliance with these Expectations to assure ourselves and employees that management processes are in place and working effectively. This will involve both internal self-assessments, and appropriate external assessments. We will use this information to improve our performance and processes.

SKC Engineers & Contractors Pvt. Ltd offers – the experience and expertise you need to get the job done